My daughter suggested I hang the 52 WEEKS PROJECT in my studio and I'm so glad she did. They still require varnish, hanging wire (I just used thumb tacks for poor wall), and a decision on whether to frame or not but it is so good to see the finished work together as a whole.
Many years ago my mentor suggested hanging my work in my own home for several reasons. One is so that I can learn from what I've done. She said that an artist can learn more about what they're doing and why by viewing their own work than by looking at someone else's. By comparing the different pieces you create, you begin to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Also, she told me it is always nice to be reminded of what you have accomplished. I've always been a prolific painter but often the work ended up in a storage closet or, in extreme cases, burned in a cathartic fire. Because of her guidance I hang on to pieces longer and will view them together to see how they read off of one another. Sometimes the work is stronger in a grouping. Even as I was hanging these pieces, I could see where the media I used, my palette and/or subject matter moved in a natural progressions from one piece to the next. And though there were some weeks that I wasn't as happy with the work, I did promise to share it each Monday without any changes and I have to say I'm glad for it. Every week I received a note (or several) of encouragement and each animal was found to be a favorite by different people for different reasons. To be able to touch someone through my work is one of the greatest reasons for doing it. So, even though there is much work ahead of me, I am extremely pleased with the final results. I would definitely recommend an annual project to anyone...just make sure that it compliments your life and work. In this case, I'm glad I worked smaller and in acrylics as I could take the canvas and my pochade anywhere to work on it and because I absolutely love working with acrylics that part wasn't a challenge at all. And I'm glad I focused on something I've never done before...though admittedly I was terrified that this was going to go horribly wrong. I don't know where this will go, though I do feel it needs to be exhibited as a body, but I am so very glad I did it.
Carmen Tangherlini
1/10/2014 12:55:49 am
Impressive through out the year. Now to see the completed project is inspirational! Thank you for sharing your talent. 1/10/2014 01:41:46 am
Your paintings look SPECTACULAR. What a wonderful thing to do and what great discipline too! 1/10/2014 08:13:27 am
Flora, you don't know how much your words mean to me as I've been such a fan of your work for quite some time. As for this year, I decided not to put any pressure on myself but instead to continue with the series of tipis I began last summer and also to work my sketchbook a lot...I hope ;) 1/11/2014 04:57:08 am
Thank you so much Rachel - I love the work that you do and have admit I am slightly a good way ;)
Stephanie King
1/10/2014 01:08:16 pm
I remember when you started this last year. I'm so glad we get to see the final product. It is a gorgeous body of work :) 1/11/2014 04:58:41 am
Stephanie, I really do appreciate the wonderful challenging as this project was at times, it is probably the highlight for me as an artist and I'm so glad I did it. 1/12/2014 09:42:28 am
Thank you so much Heather! It's always great to hear from a SoulSister :) 1/12/2014 11:14:22 am
Wow! That's fantastic Regan! I have a friend who's working on a series of portraits as well, quite daunting I would think.
Colleen McKenzie
1/12/2014 01:40:02 pm
Your work looks incredible! I feel so fortunate to have seen the majority of this work in person. Thank you for sharing! 1/13/2014 06:22:10 am
I wish you could see it all up together, it makes me happy to walk into my studio these days.
Jill Yuzwa
1/12/2014 09:41:26 pm
Veronica: 1/13/2014 06:24:54 am
Jill, I think often and fondly of our Inner Works Project and hope that I have another opportunity to create something so meaningful with a group of talented, creative and amazing people once again. 1/13/2014 06:26:37 am
Oh Padmaja, I have to say that a creative spark is ignited in me every time I hear such lovely words of encouragement...thank you. 1/13/2014 08:56:35 am
Veronica, Ive found your vibrant work via the magically mixed group. Im hugely inspired by what you've achieved. I've had a concept in my mind for over a year now (I am a soul artist) ,combining Divine feminine and spirit animals in a large series such as this and this had made it seem viable. I applaud you, I know how challenging it has been to work on one large piece, let alone 52! Your now Pinterest'ed to keep sparking possibility! Thank you x 1/14/2014 01:12:05 am
Hi Melanie...took a peek at your site and have to say I LOVE your work with spirit animals. With a family history of handwork (crochet, knitting, quilting, embroidery) I've always been interested in incorporating needlework into my art but haven't've done it beautifully. Comments are closed.