After I began my 52 Weeks Project I came across other annual projects such as Megan Eckman's 365 Portrait Challenge. She's an illustrator who is creating a portrait a day for a year and I am glad that she created one of me on Day #69 which is currently on its' way to my home. I have already been feeling a little overwhelmed at times at the early stages of my own project and I'm only creating 52 pieces, I can't even imagine committing to 365!
You can also be invovled if you wish by sending a photo to her at [email protected]. Thank you Megan, for including me in this project...and good luck in the year ahead! We'll all be pressure ;) During this last week I decided I wanted to create a painting that was gentle and was so grateful for this image that my dear old friend Jacky sent. There is something absolutely magical about deer, they always seem so peace-filled and content. That's how I felt whenever I worked on her.
It's no surprise that deer symbolizes grace, beauty and gentleness. They remind us to take care of ourselves, especially during difficult times. And are also a reminder that there is strength in collaboration with others. My opening at Bluerock Gallery on Saturday was fantastic. Often I wonder how I get to be so lucky, to receive the support I do, to know and meet such wonderful people. And I am especially grateful for my gracious hosts, Karen & Chris, along with the lovely ladies that assist them at the gallery. The exhibit is up until April 9 - I highly recommend a visit to the gallery, it's a beautiful space with a variety of 2 and 3-dimensional high quality work including pottery, glass, jewellery, fibre, books, carpets as well as paintings. Last week I also worked on a project of leaves...a set of three in heavy watercolour paper and another in clay. Wish I had taken a photo of them. They are travelling to an artist who will attach them to a copper tree she's created which is to be placed in the new Slave Lake Public Library, the original burned down along with half the community in 2011. It's exciting to be able to contribute to such a worthy project and I always love collaboration...looking forward to seeing the final results. It's been a week of ups and downs...
** The gallery opening for my newest work takes place tomorrow, March 9 at Bluerock Gallery in Black Diamond, Alberta from 4-7pm...It's a fabulous gallery in a lovely little foothills community and I would be so pleased if you could join me. A definite up. :) ** Hung the High School Exhibit...Spectacular work, as usual. It looks wonderful, I just wish the lighting in the library was a little better so photographs would do the work justice. Another up. ** Less people came to the High School Art Gala than previous years BUT they all stayed, engaged with the work and spoke to the students about their work. The Georgie Girls choir sang beautifully and were highly admired by all. Started down and ended up. ** Our beloved and beautiful bassett hound Ruby passed away...the lowest point, of course, but we knew for some time that this was coming as had a few major health issues, was thirteen and had lived a long and happy life. Painting in the studio was balm for my soul but I did miss my studio buddy. ** Enjoyed the 'Crossroads' opening with friends last night. I always enjoy going to someone else's exhibit, especially when I've had peeks into their new body of work and finally get to see it live. Definite up! ** My largest piece showing at Inglewood Fine Arts has found a new home...a real highlight for an artist. No matter how long I do this, I'm always amazed, in awe, very pleasantly surprised, and absolutely, positively honoured when my work travels to live with others. This and with the opening tomorrow the week is definitely ending up. “You do not have to be good. This week we had two hawk visitors in our neighborhood and it was wonderful. I am always amazed as I watch them fly overhead and hear them call out to one another. When I looked at the canvas I had prepared for this week's image all I saw was the shape of a hawk...and so this guy appeared. I've spent quite a bit of time reading about animal symbolism and decided to also incorporate the words that relate specifically to hawk.
Hawk tells us to remain fully aware and that we may require a new perspective. Pay attention to details. Let go of anything that may limit you whether it is a belief or attitude or something material. Your potential is waiting to be fulfilled. When I was in high school, one of the art projects was a series of drawings that began as one image which slowly morphed into another...something inanimate into something living. My project consisted of a ship turning into a hawk and I loved working on it...this reminded me of it. The hawk I drew when I was 16 years old is still beautifully framed and hanging over a fireplace in the home of the gentleman who purchased it from me in the first place. Thirty years ago. My first art sale. I'm very excited to announce a new store opening in town today called 'Cre8tive Ways' and I'm happy to be included. Yesterday I stopped by to see everything coming together and it looks absolutely beautiful. Not only will Alicia be teaching classes but will be promoting other local artists as well. She is extremely talented and such a friendly person, I just know that this will be a successful venture for her. And so great for our community.
Since I wrote of blogging the other day, I also wanted to share a few of the blogs that I like to visit: ~ reading my tea leaves ~ Geninne's Art Blog ~ Heather Smith Jones ~ Phoebe Wahl Illustration ~ Rae Dunn...clay ~ public::bookstore ~ the noisy plume ~ Umber Dove ~ Samantha daSilva ~ cathy cullis |