This past week I finished up my project for the Summer Reading Club at the library which takes place during Fun Friday this week. Painting with a ton of kids on this day every year is a definite highlight for me. Last year's theme was IMAGINE and this year's is GO! It's all about exploration both near and far so I wanted to add images representing our town and library (reading is one of the best ways to 'explore') along with symbols representing a myriad of ways to explore and to learn something new.
I also finished reading another 2012 Giller Nominee, my goal is to read through the entire list this year. I read '419' by Will Ferguson previously and am currently reading 'The Imposter Bride' by Nancy Richler (it's really, really good so far). The Emperor of Paris by CS Richardson Another great read in the 2012 Giller Nominee list, this story follows the lives of two young people who grow up in Paris during World War II. It was a quick read but so beautifully written through small vignettes, weaving back and forth, about two people both separate and yet intertwined. The war affects them indirectly but through the transcendent power of their personal forms of art, Octavio a story teller and Isabeau an art restorer for the Louvre, they find themselves and also find their way to one another. It speaks about the power of connection through being true to yourself. Two big things's Canada Day and I have made it to the half way point on the 52 WEEKS PROJECT!!! I can't believe it. And in honour of this milestone I decided to paint the porcupine that lived in our lilac bushes for a few days. Our family was enthralled watching him sleep and stretch and yawn. In the sixteen years I've lived in this town I didn't know we had porcupines here.
Porcupine represents innocence & wonder and is a symbol of faith & trust. A reminder to remain grounded and child-like, to remember fantasy & imagination. A symbol to let go of criticism. In that vein, I spoke with artist and life coach Liz Wiltzen this past weekend. Our conversation was an eye-opener for me, a catalyst really. She reminded me to let go of the criticism of the past and hellped confirmed what it is I need to do to fully follow my passions. A life-affirming moment. Her motto is 'What if you loved your life?' Speaking with her was such a huge gift and I'm looking forward to staying connected. If you need some clarity or direction in your life, I highly recommend contacting Liz. |