...everything on earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence. ~ Christal Quintasket (1888-1936), Salish Yesterday was such a productive day, I actually completed eight of the sixteen paintings I've been working on. And now it's time to wire, photograph and document all of these, and then get back to the other eight that are still in process.
With the current 52 WEEKS PROJECT I've been working on, as the focus is on wildflowers and their medicinal properties, I've been giving a lot of thought to the medicine of the earth. The doodling I've been doing in my sketchbook has also shown up on this piece as ripples and plant life found in water, the number three and triangles have been in my mind a lot of late, and I was drawn to the idea of reflection in water. I knew I wanted to create a stencil (thankfully I had a few blank sheets in my studio) and incorporate the copper leaf I've been eyeing in my stash lately. Though, as always, I didn't want it to be perfect. Triangles represent divinity, creativity, gender, harmony, magic, time, reward, success, adventure, and in Greek history, a doorway. Along with the number three they represent (among other things): * Birth, Life, Death * Father, Son, Holy Ghost * Past, Present, Future * Spirit, Body, Mind * Mother, Father, Child I am typically drawn to circles, which remind me of the cycles of life, the moon and the sun, heaven and earth, the medicine wheel, four seasons, time, focus, unity and continuity...and it appears that the message of the triangle is very much the same. 3/26/2015 12:25:58 am
That's a beautiful thought Gariele...I never even considered in terms of music and yet my daughters studied (and practiced) for a number of years. 3/25/2015 11:52:25 pm
You should look up the five universal shapes - there's an explanation and little test thing at http://www.center4creativity.com/art-therapy-exercise.html I don't know how scientific it is, but I did it with a bunch of friends and family and it seemed to do better than chance. If I remember right, circle is self and unity, and triangle is goals and visions. 3/26/2015 12:29:02 am
Thank you Caitlyn! I love tests...this is totally up my alley. Comments are closed.