For the past three years I've been selecting a Word-of-the-Year to set my intentions instead of making resolutions which I tended to forget as soon as I make them. This was based on something I read by musician Christine Kane and I've found it to be monumental in my life. Such a small gesture that is such a great guide. I've been journaling for many years and beginning in 2010 I began to create a journal in honour of the word I select. These journals consist of 250 pages and include almost daily writing, sketches, the odd painting, my annual horoscope, and sometimes shopping lists. I don't limit them to anything in particular and never travel without one. I also have necklaces hand stamped with the's such a pleasure to go back and look at them, and to wear them, too. They are so beautiful and created by many talented artisans - Christine Taylor (my current necklace is in the second photo), Beki Hastings, Lisa Leonard, Stacy de la Rosa. FEARLESS: My 2010 word as I found I was getting caught up in the fear of how I was perceived by others and the fear of failure. Whenever I noticed fear in myself, I would focus on my word and it helped me to overcome challenges, it actually helped me to be brave. SURRENDER: I decided that 2011 would be a year of letting go of my history of control...of self and others...and allowing things to happen. And, boy, did things happen. Yes, both good and bad, but always in the end for the better. STILL: For 2012 I wanted to grow both as an artist and human being, and remembered the verse in Psalm 46:10 - 'Be still'. I tend to feel like I have to do everything, you know, that sense of obligation. Not only because I feel I should but because I worry that I don't do enough. I actually went through a physical injury that forced stillness, and it seemed that everything that needed doing got done. And I felt so much more peace in my life by allowing it. For the past month I've been wondering about my word for 2013...actually I've been thinking of it occasionally since summer and the Serenity Prayer which was read at my graduation many, many years ago kept coming back to me: God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; WISDOM: And, so I've finally chosen my word for 2013. I am seeking the wisdom to trust my heart when I feel a pull to do something or head in a certain direction, and also to say 'no' or to stop whenever necessary...for me.
12/5/2012 10:38:38 pm
I really like your idea of having notebooks for each word/year - very clever. I have never had a word and maybe its time to start new and find one for 2013 12/6/2012 10:30:44 pm
Hi Vicky - I've found that I really enjoy the practice and it has honestly helped me in many ways. Good luck with your word choice! I'd love to hear what you select. 12/6/2012 12:05:07 am
I love doing a word of the year. Thank you for including us on your list! 12/6/2012 10:32:11 pm
Thank you Beki...I'm looking forward to wearing my new necklace when it arrives. And I'm so glad for the pearl you include as it's my birthstones as well. Perfect.
I love your Word of the Year idea, and will go "ajourneying" at next week's DarkMoon for my 2013 word. 12/8/2012 04:18:45 am
jEtana - I took a peek at your blog and it's looking wonderful already! The biggest thing I learned was to follow your own instinct, don't worry about whether anything you do is 'right' or 'wrong'...fortunately there is no such thing. ;)
12/20/2012 03:56:53 am
Veronica, 1/8/2013 02:05:42 pm
Hi Vicky, 1/8/2013 02:06:52 pm
Lori - I was thinking of you over Christmas and thought how lovely it would be to have one of your cups with the word-of-the-year. Comments are closed.