sto·ry·tell·er (stôrēˌtelər/noun) a person who tells stories. synonyms: narrator, teller of tales, raconteur, raconteuse, fabulist, anecdotalist
As long as I can remember I have been fascinated by stories. Growing up in the north, we listened to Indigenous stories of creation and school we studied Greek myths along with poetry and plays and fiction...and as an adult I have been studying the oral and written legends of Indigenous storytellers of the past and present. To this day I cannot get enough of stories. As a visual artist my aim is to tell stories in images and I want to share my interpretation of the words I have read and that have made an impact on so many others. And so, this year's 52 WEEKS project will feature illustrative styled paintings, much like children's storybook images, inspired by the 52 best lines ever written, in order to focus on the stories told by these storytellers, the magicians of imagination, and the words that have touched me in some way.
Click on the images to read about the inspiration behind each painting.