And so ARTember begins by hanging work together with Char Vanderhorst at Highland Primary Care Network. It's a big, beautiful new space so we each were able to hang ten large pieces...and I'm so pleased that they want to continue to support the local arts community in this way after this season has passed. I can't believe we both brought poplars (mine are in the middle)! Tonite I'll also be joining the Advocates of the Airdrie Public Library for a meeting as their goal is to create a film festival in Airdrie, and anything to do with creating a well-rounded art society in our fair city is right up my alley.
The next two Tuesdays I'll be hosting Movies that Matter at City Hall at noon, first is 'Dare to Dream' about a group of high school students near Edmonton who created a feature length movie followed with a talk by local producer Rob Ing. The second is 'Smitten' about a fellow in California who supported emerging artists by collecting hundreds of works which he shares with the general public. Both so inspiring. Next Wednesday I'll be attending a Lunch'n'Learn offered by the City of Airdrie about the value of Art & Culture in society and then 7pm at the library is a small Spoken Word Festival held by the Writers' Club. On Saturday local artist Samreen Junaid will be teaching a Jr Artists' Workshop on the art of henna and in the evening I'll be attending the 4th annual AIRdirondack Gala. On Thursday, September 26 I'll be assisting with children's author/illustrator Georgia Graham's kids' workshop and on the 27th the library is hosting a writers' workshop with local author Ellen Kelly. Besides all of this, I am still involved in other personal endeavors as well as working regular shifts at the library so I'm glad not to have to work every day for the duration of ARTember like I have in the past two years. I'm also grateful to be working in conjunction with City Hall and with the support of the local ARTS Society, Creative Airdrie Society and the all makes my job much simpler and definitely more enjoyable. Comments are closed.