ARTIST'S BIOGRAPHY: •Write in 3rd person •Begin with full name followed by pronoun or last name •1 page (approximately 250 words) •Often printed/displayed by galleries or submitted for publication •I often add a photograph at the top & my website address at the end •Even though you are writing about yourself, write in your own voice…the writing should not feel forced or uncomfortable *A mini biography of 50-100 words is often requested by magazines/publishers ARTIST'S STATEMENT: There are two types of Artist’s Statements: 1. GENERAL: •Written in 1st person •1 page •Overview of you & your work •May include background, inspiration, tools, materials •Often used when submitting to juried/group exhibitions •FREEFALL WRITING: Coined by Canadian author W.O. Mitchell…write naturally without stopping, then edit for grammar & punctuation 2. SPECIFIC: •Relates to a specific body of work •Inspiration is an important part of this statement •1 page TIPS: •Sit down and write free-hand •Jot down notes while you work •Have family members & friends read your statement for understanding, clarity & errors CURRICULUM VITAE: •When submitting for exhibit, you will typically submit a 1-2 page CV though I do include everything I’ve taken part in as an artist on my online CV ( •I also include a short bio at the top of my CV (not required). •Include Education (can include workshops), Awards, Professional Experience, Exhibitions/Highlights, Corporate Collections, Affiliations, etc. • Also include contact information like a traditional resume Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) is your art resume and should include anything at all related to your art career:
There is no standard format, but I do think it is important to place the most important items at the top. You can also do an online search to see how other artists lay out their CVs and to view wording as well. A great resource with examples and writing tips is Taking the Leap by Cay Lang and it is often available through local booksellers, online or through libraries. The structure, like any resume, should be concise and easy to read. My online CV has everything I’ve ever been involved in but the one I use for submissions only includes the best highlights, which grow and change over time. Online I have also included a mini bio at the top ( ). Only add the items above as they reflect what you have been involved in to-date. And each area listed should be in bold. EXAMPLES: Comments are closed.