This week has been filled with blessings beyond measure - the sun is shining brightly, my writing has been flowing smoothly, wonderful things are happening in my art community, there are two new 2x6 foot canvases in my studio, I'm beginning my abstract painting course next week, and I've also been inspired to create a new body of smalls titled 'heART blox' (I hope to share more about it on facebook soon - This morning I opened my email to an inspiring message by Robert Genn where he discusses the value of creating for creation's sake - that studies have proven that work created purely for 'sale' comes up again and again as inferior to the works created purely for pleasure. He quotes, "The misuse of extrinsic rewards, so common in business, impedes creativity, stifles personal satisfaction and turns play into work. After basic material needs are met, the quid pro quo of if/then rewards--if you do this, I'll give you that--saps the juice from the job." (Daniel Pink). I'm of two minds on this, as long as I can paint a commission utilizing artistic license then I believe my work still carries it's original freshness, and at the same time, nothing thrills me more than grasping those illusive ideas and running with them. I also realize that I need much time alone in order to be fully creative - I need to read, to walk outside, to allow my mind to wander and reflect in order to trust that base instinct in myself to be as creative as I am capable. I find that outside influence, too many people or obligations or too much technology, impinges upon my creative spirit. Those are the days that anxiety rules and I cannot listen to my soul. And listening to my heart is what I need to be true to myself and to my work.
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