It was so much nicer to work without extreme wind conditions today though I forgot how physically taxing a large art project it - I'll be in desperate need of a massage when I'm done. But it has been an absolutely amazing process.
Today a number of people stopped by to chat and take photos - a gentleman from Poland spoke of how public art has been successful changing the face of vandalism in Europe while giving the creative people an opportunity to share their gifts - an elderly lady asked if I might stop by her complex and add colour to their building, I suggested the landlord might not be impressed ;) - a little girl apparently stops by every day to see the progession - others told me that they voted for my design for which I am extremely grateful - someone else stopped by to tell me he has taken to walking down Main Street just to see it. I've been asked for my inspiration and about my history in this community. I'm proud to say I've lived here for fifteen years, a record for me to live in one place. I'm so pleased to be in a place that is honouring its arts community. I'm so grateful for the people I have the privilege of sharing my community. And I'm so glad to call this home. Tomorrow I begin adding symbols and imagery...very excited for the next step!
9/6/2012 07:27:17 am
Lookin' good mama!
How great, Veronica!!!! I am enjoying seeing your updates on your community art project. I admire your vision for such a large project and I am loving the look of it. 9/7/2012 12:26:45 am
Hi Audrey - thank you so much for your kind comments! I'm looking forward to getting to know you, too. Comments are closed.