"First and foremost I am a mama but my daughter is an 18 year old supernova that very much has her own life now.
Professionally I am an IT business and process architect. It is my job to interpret and contextualize organizational goals and create strategies to transform the business. I do this by taking a holistic, multidimensional view of the organizational capabilities and technology and create roadmaps to bridge the gap between the current state and the desired state. Then I help put together a cross functional, cross organizational team to execute a project that will accomplish the vision. I am a project managing, strategy interpreting, future modeling, team aligning, big picture thinking, technology evangelizing, storytelling, alchemist. I have been with my current company, an aviation training company, for a little over 13 years and before that I was doing the same thing in wireless telecom for about 12 years. I have worked on projects that range from implementing new HR or expense systems to managing a proof-of-concept telemetry project and completing a network redundancy initiative. On the more exciting side I have overseen the implementation of an industry changing new training methodology, and worked on a couple ultra reality, advanced simulation technology initiatives. In my spare time I am usually with my partner Geocaching, hiking, exploring abandoned things, or doing drone photography. If we aren’t together, I am usually listening to podcasts or audio books and tending my chaos garden, or taking care of the resident wildlife. At night I usually work on writing, making multi-media art to give away, researching DNA or advocating for the disabled or misattribuited parentage communities. I love my job but I am I am multifaceted beyond what I do Monday to Friday, 8-5." ~ Melissa Young Comments are closed.