For the past few years I've been following the direction of musician Christine Kane and selecting a word to guide me through the year instead of making New Year's resolutions. Last year it was SURRENDER - to my faith, to what needs to unfold for me, and to this creative spirit inside of me - instead of trying to control or manipulate situations I've allowed for 'God-moments' in my life. I have to say that this year has been one of the most succesful as an artist for me and I truly believe it's because I'm learning to open up my hands and heart and learning to let go. The year before my word was FEARLESS - because I was allowing my insecurities to dictate my life, and not always loving myself as I am...yes I am chatty, and maybe a little too friendly, and sometimes too particular (I desperately need order in my life), but I like me. When I set that word as my intention for the year I began to grow into myself even world now revolves around art - both my personal life and my business life and I have never been happier. In fact, last year I had a necklace created with my word by Lisa Leonard which I wore with my small adirondack chair (a gift from a friend to symbolize my chair paintings as well as the AIRdirondack Project which I co-ordinated for the past two years). This year I might order a cuff bracelet from the Rusted Chain because a physical reminder to be STILL is sometimes necessary for me, and stillness is why I choose to paint what I paint.
Linda Bruce
1/2/2012 05:31:19 am
Hi Veronica: I am always inspired by your this case your words. I am thinking about what my word for 2012 is. I needs some time to reflect and hopefully I find one that shines the way. 1/3/2012 05:24:59 am
Whatever word you choose I know it's going to be a big year! :) Comments are closed.