Mountain Goat symbolizes sure-footedness, traveling where others fear to venture. He reminds us to be playful and active while we journey into new adventures.
The past few weeks have been a bit of an emotional roller coaster beginning with the flooding in Southern Alberta where many friends were directly affected. The Siksika Nation was one of the communities that was hit especially hard and I was so grateful to be able to contribute to a convoy of over fifteen trucks and trailers that was organized by our local MLA Rob Anderson...and then, during our Canada Day parade a small group of the Siksika people sang and danced to thank our community even though they are still struggling. I was moved to tears. By far the best part of the parade for me. The foodbank donation bins have been filled to overflowing throughout Airdrie and financial donations to the Red Cross keep pouring in. My daughter's sorority, Delta Eta Iota, from the University of Lethbridge gathered over 600 graduation dresses for the students of High River who lost everything. And then, an artist in Calgary, Terri Heinrichs, began The Alberta Flood Rose Project where artists were invited to create a 4x4x1 inch piece of art (artists are still welcome to join as long as the work is dropped off at one of several locations listed by July 26) and over 350 artists stepped up immediately. I am so glad to be part of such a giving community. Our interview on CKUA radio was broadcast on can listen to it on ArtBeat here (fast forward to 16 minutes): During all of this, our old van finally went to its final resting place and as it has been our only vehicle, it made it difficult to be able to help anywhere but locally, so I have been especially thankful to contribute financially through the Red Cross, with donations through the Airdrie Foodbank, and now by helping Terri with The Alberta Flood Rose Project. And I have to give a huge thank you to Airdrie Honda...they have been absolutely amazing to work with. And still I have been grateful to be able to be involved in organizing arts programming for adults and children as well as continuing my own arts practice (on a smaller scale but still moving along). And thus piece number 28 of the 52 WEEKS PROJECT was completed just this moment. Whew! I love the mountain goats that we see standing nonchalantly along the narrow rocky cliff edges every time we drive through the Rocky Mountains. I am more thankful than words can say when I see how blessed and how fortunate I am. And though my heart breaks for those who currently struggle, it gives me such a warm feeling inside to see everyone work together to help one another however they can. People are good. Comments are closed.